Towards Generic Fine-Grained Transaction Isolation in Polystores
Poly@VLDB: Polystore Systems for Heterogeneous Data in Multiple Databases with Privacy and Security Assurances, 2021
- Nuno Faria ,
- José Pereira ,
- Ana Nunes Alonso ,
- Ricardo Vilaça
Digital Object Identifier
Transactional isolation is a challenge for polystores, as along with the limited capabilities of each datastore, we have to contend with their sheer diversity. However, transactional isolation is increasingly desirable as a variety of datastores are being sought after for roles that go beyond data lakes. Transactional guarantees are also relevant for reliability at scale. In this paper, we propose that transactional isolation in polystores can be achieved by leveraging the query engine, i.e., basing some of the responsibilities of a traditional transactional storage manager (TSM) on the query language itself. This has the key advantage of greatly simplifying design and implementation, as it doesn't need to be re-invented for each datastore, and should increase performance, by taking advantage of dynamic query optimization where available. We demonstrate the feasibility of the proposal with a simple proof-of-concept and experiment.BibTeX
author="Faria, Nuno and Pereira, Jos{\'e} and Alonso, Ana Nunes and Vila{\c{c}}a, Ricardo",
editor="Rezig, El Kindi and Gadepally, Vijay and Mattson, Timothy and Stonebraker, Michael and Kraska, Tim and Wang, Fusheng and Luo, Gang and Kong, Jun and Dubovitskaya, Alevtina",
title="Towards Generic Fine-Grained Transaction Isolation in Polystores",
booktitle="Heterogeneous Data Management, Polystores, and Analytics for Healthcare",
publisher="Springer International Publishing",